

We Doubutukikin(The Animal Foundation) open an animal hospital that performs free sterilization surgery
Save the cats and Amami Rabbits too.

(left) Project Leader: Dr. Megumi ADACHI
(main) Director :Dr. Takeo YAMAGUCHI
(right) Leader of Vorantary Veterinarian :Tomoko SAITOU All experts of sterilization surgery
目的 : 奄美の外ねこゼロを目指します。

:  We aim to “No outdoor cat in Amami”

 : 奄美大島 5市町村には、推定5,000~10,000頭のノラ猫がいます。(協議会発表)内、2,414頭のTNRを数年かけて実施されましたが、猫の繁殖力はすさまじく、中々不妊手術が追い付いていません。(島民からの情報提供)  どうぶつ基金は、猫の命と希少種の命を守るため、奄美市内に「あまみのさくらねこ病院」を開院することにしました。この病院では、年間約10,000頭の不妊手術ができるエキスパート獣医たちが執刀させていただきます。

Background : 
Amami Oshima 5 municipalities have an estimated 5,000 to 10,000 outdoor cats. (Announced by the council), 2414 TNRs were conducted over several years, but the fertility of cats is tremendous, middle sterilization surgery has not caught up. (Information from Islanders) The Animal Foudnation has decided to open called “Amami Sakuraneko Hospital” in Amami City to protect the life of cats and the lives of rare species. In this hospital, expert veterinarians who can perform about 10,000 sterilization operations per year will perform it.

 : ノラ猫(飼い主不明猫) 飼い猫(多頭飼育など理由がある場合)
診療内容 : 不妊手術()3種混合ワクチン ノミよけ薬
価格 : 0円 不妊手術(ワクチン、ノミよけ薬込み)
期間 : 1年間(予定) 2018年8月15日プレオープン(予定)
場所 : 奄美市

 : 奄美大島に住んでいるノラ猫情報を下記からお知らせください。 https://business.form-mailer.jp/fms/bfa107a14087
Target animals: Wild cat(owner unknown cat) Pet cat (when there are reasons for multiple rearing etc.) Contents of medical treatment: sterilization surgery ( ) 3 kinds mixed vaccine flea medicine
Price: Free Sterilization Surgery (vaccine, flea medicine included)
Period: 1 year (planned) From August 15, 2018
Location: Amami City
Wild cat information provision requested: Please inform us of the Wild cat living in Amami Oshima from the following.

【支援物資を募集しています】 Amazon(ほしいものリスト)
http://ur0.biz/KJ0y 1頭でも多くの猫に不妊手術とワクチンを提供したいです。ぜひご協力をお願いいたします。
Doubutukikin(The Animal Foundation) has conducted sterilization surgery on Takeshima, Majima, Ogisima, Shishijima (all cats in island). In addition, there are achievements carried out also in Ishigakijima, Tokunoshima, and Okinawa.
  • 徳之島さくらねこ
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